Courses Italy


Dr. Robert Sanet will be presenting two exciting new seminars in Verona in 2016:

Seminar 1- March 20-23, 2016: New Advances in the Treatment of Amblyopia

New advances in neuroscience have demonstrated that giving a full prescription and patching is not the best way to treat amblyopia. A review of the studies and an overview of the causes,  diagnostic tests, and a sequential, detailed plan of the most effective Optometric treatment for amblyopia will be presented.

Seminar 2- October 12, 2016: New Advances in the Treatment of Strabismus

New scientific  studies have demonstrated that giving a full prescription and surgery are not the best way to treat strabismus. A review of the studies and an overview of the causes, diagnostic tests, and a sequential, detailed plan of the most effective Optometric treatment for Strabismus will be presented.

For additional Information please contact:


March 20-23 – New Advances in the Treatment of Amblyopia

New advances in neuroscience have demonstrated that giving a full prescription and patching is not the best way to treat amblyopia. A review of the studies and an overview of the causes, diagnostic tests, and a sequential, detailed plan of the most effective Optometric treatment for amblyopia will be presented.

October 9-12 – New Advances in the Treatment of Strabismus

New scientific studies have demonstrated that giving a full prescription and surgery are not the best way to treat strabismus. A review of the studies and an overview of the causes, diagnostic tests, and a sequential, detailed plan of the most effective Optometric treatment for Strabismus will be presented.


For additional Information please contact:

Luca Baldassari:

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Sports Vision: Evaluation and Sports Vision Enhancement Procedures for Athletes

How Visual abilities relate to sports performance Understanding the role of the optometrist in the area of sports performance enhancement In-depth sports vision evaluation procedures Analyzing the evaluation data and relating the visual skills deficits to sports performance deficits How to communicate effectively with coaches and players Effective Optometric Sports Vision Enhancement procedures to maximize…

Pediatrics: Optometric Evaluation and Treatment of Infants and Young Children

  Review of the anatomical and visual development of the eye, ocular motility, accommodation, and binocularity Piaget’s theory of child development with an emphasis on how it relates to the optometric examination, academic learning, and vision training. Discussion and demonstration of effective evaluation procedures for pre-school children with an emphasis on the WACHS Analysis of…

Curso de Especialização em Optometria Comportamental e Terapia Visual no BRASIL (2ª edição)

Estão Abertas as inscrições para a 2ª edição do curso de Especialização em Optometria Comportamental e Terapia Visual no BRASIL!!! O Curso tem duração de 2 anos e iniciará dia 25 de fevereiro de 2013 na cidade de Florianópolis em Santa Catarina. A Optometria comportamental é uma prática clínica efetiva no tratamento de problemas refrativos,…

Courses Brazil

February 15-19 – Visual Information Processing July 25-29- Strabismus For additional information please contact: Enro Venturella:

Courses Canadá

August 26-27 – Sports Vision For additional information please contact: Dr. Angela Peddle:

Practical Teachings and Hands-On VT Techniques

The How and Why of Vision Therapy: Practical Teachings and Hands-On VT Techniques   Place: 2016 San Diego Seminar Series – COMPLETELY SOLD OUT Dates: 2016 San diego Seminar Series Seminar I—January 8-10 Seminar II—March 4-6 Seminar III—May 13-15 Seminar IV—July 15-17 Seminar V— September 9-11 Seminar Schedule: Time Friday: 10:00 AM – 6:30 PM…
